How to Stay Married While Working on a Home Project

Before Restore

A Note About the Stone Wall

So, I finished my flower bed project today. But before I show you that, I wanted to tell you about the time Jimmy and I spent a Saturday dry-stacking the stone wall several years ago.

We still managed to stay married.

We were still speaking at the end of the day.

And by the evening, we were best friends all over again.

We have not always been this successful.

It all comes down to Strategy.

Ya gotta have one BEFORE you start. You know it’s gonna happen…so plan for it in advance.

So here’s what we did:

We decided that when one of us (ahem) said something that the other found offensive/insulting/hurtful/etc., the offendee would say “Dorito”. (We tried to pick the silliest word possible that had nothing to do with what we were doing, and didn’t make the other (ahem) feel as though they were in the wrong.)

Then, we had to smooch.

How can you be irritated at someone, think about Doritos (yum, especially with sour cream, but please don’t tell anybody) and then have to smooch on them?

It worked marvelously.

If nothing else, it makes both parties more aware of your choice of words. In the end, I think we only smooched once or twice.

At least, just after saying “Dorito.” 😉

Mission accomplished!


6 comments on “How to Stay Married While Working on a Home Project

    • Thanks Lin! I have started several books actually over the years, but the timing was never right. So you never know. But glad you’re enjoying it! 🙂

  1. Love it…..this would have been a helpful strategy for our efforts (installing new equipment….heavy, large equipment) at the shop today.

    • Wow, that sounds like it was “a learning experience” (meaning, it sucked.) lol Something tells me you’ll have other opportunities to use this strategy… 😉

  2. You’re my inspiration !! Thank you for being you……………………………….

    • Awwww, that’s the best thing anybody’s said to me all day! Glad you’re enjoying it. I just read a lot. 😀

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